She's a snappy dresser, works lots of interesting jobs and clearly has staying power and longevity.
In fact, I used to live just a few miles from the Barbie Hall of Fame. (Super neato.)
I don’t understand why folks get all in a tizzy and says that she’s a bad example for young girls. Please, people. My girl (and boy too) knows what’s real and what’s not. They know that real dogs don’t talk (Hi, Martha), real birds aren't neon yellow and 8 feet tall and real babies don’t really look one single bit like Cabbage Patch Kids. She knows that it’s all pretend and that most of the fun toys are a bit cartoon-y and exaggerated and fun. And she’s three. She gets it. (Granted this is mostly because I take the time to explain it to her…) She knows that not all females are tall and skinny, like her aunt and great aunt and other females but not like me.
I always figured that I’d get my wonderful Bunny girl her first Barbie and we would giggle and play fun role-playing games, and dress her up and dress her down... It would be great fun.
Then this happened:
(Can you see it o.k.? I took this crappy pic with my phone...)
Let me introduce you to the "Totally Stylin' Tattoos" Barbie.
The box says: Over 40 easy, no mess tattoos to design and decorate Barbie doll's fashions. Customize the fashions and apply the fun temporary tattoos on you too.
Full disclosure: I have tattoos. And I'm looking forward to getting more. But I don’t want my daughter to have them NOW. Or want them NOW.
And here’s my wonderful old friend Barbie rockin’ a tat.
So, why am I upset about this? It's not like they also include a "totally stylin' tattoo machine" with vibrating needles and lots of "totally stylin' tattoo ink." It seems that they're just riding that fake tattoo bandwagon. And sure, I can explain to Bunny that it's all fun and games and that most teenagers don't have tats... I think she'll get it... But...
It’s just not right.
I almost broke down in tears right in the middle of Target. Those memories that I was so looking forward to making with Bunny are dashed.
So, folks that make Barbie, I’m afraid you get a big FAIL.
Not cool.