Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Homeschool Blogs That Fill My (Creative) Cup

As a lucky (but swamped) mom of young twins, busy freelance writer, enthusiastic homeschooler and organic food evangelist, I often have trouble filing my own creative cup.  How do I get “fed” and inspired?  I don't go for a run... or work on a scrapbook... or write in a journal...  

I read blogs.  

ALL kinds of blogs. 

Design, green living, parenting, food...  You name it.  I love to read about other people’s perspectives about what works (and what doesn’t) in their lives. 

Listed below is a list of a few of my fave homeschooling blogs.  These parents ROCK.  And they inspire be to keep at it by providing valuable ideas, funny anecdotes (I do THAT too!), and tips and tricks that are easy and fun to manage and execute.  

Thanks for the brain food, awesome homeschool parents!  

Simple Home School - This blog really speaks to me because it's so darned authentic.  Bloggers share their successes and failures and I find at least one valuable nugget every time I log on.

Journey into UNschooling - In a word:  FUN. This author has a fresh and smart point of view about learning, education and teaching. 

The Attached Mama - I mostly identify with this mom since we chose the same curriculum - we both follow the Charlotte Mason method.  She is smart, funny and has AWESOME ideas.

The Pioneer Woman - For those of us that read blog on a regular basis, you will not need to be introduced to Ree Drummond.  Her homeschooling advice is wonderful and lately she's been featuring some really intelligent bloggers that have tons of real-world experience.