Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Technicolor Tuesday - The South - Part 1

When I first moved to the South I was floored at the amount of amazing photo opportunities. Seriously amazing stuff I couldn’t make up. (But sort of wish I had.) Calling home and telling my BFF, "You won't BELIEVE what I saw today!" became a regular thing. Since the absolute weirdest stuff showed up almost daily I started carrying a camera around at all times. I would frequently scream over to the side of the road to capture a funny sign, a funny person or a funny, well, object d’art. Seems this is a good place to start sharing my collection.

Remember, folks: I couldn't make this stuff up. (And I don't own Photoshop.)

Captured near my house... Yes, that's a small mailbox being overshadowed by a VERY LARGE mail box. Art?

One of my all-time fave pics, I wish it had come out better. This ancient sign advertises a "Things That Pour" exhibit. I didn't stop in to see if that included pitchers and watering cans.

Petticoat! Junction!

Again, we didn't stop to find out if you could actually get human hair with your chicken wings but it's a pretty good bet that there might be some truth in advertising here.

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