Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Better Together

Nearly every morning my little man’s first word is his twin sister’s name.


Same with J…

“S! S!”

It’s heart-warming and very, very cool. They’ve always had each other. Since the very beginning they’ve looked to each other for comfort and support.

They shared a crib for the first 4 or 5 months and sometimes held hands while sleeping.

We often found them curled up into each other when we went in to check in on them during those wee, wee hours.

That always made me so beyond-happy and nearly always made me cry. (That good kind of cry where tears keep falling and you just smile through them, not caring where they land or how silly you look...)

They absolutely have no concept of being alone. The only time they spent apart was their first days outside my body when Jane spent an unfortunate 10 days in the nursery instead of being home with us.

Now that they’re the ripe old age of two they continue to check in with each other but in different way. J is a caregiver and will bring S a toy or something she knows he loves when he is upset or feeling bad.

I wonder if it’s possible to know any bigger comfort than having a twin, someone that’s shared a womb with you. I wonder if they will remain close, always looking out for one another, being a sounding board and best friend. I hope so. I hope for that with everything that’s in me. Sure, since they are different sexes I’m expecting that sometime in their teens they may want to part and find same-sex pals and explore the world on their own. But I mostly hope they always know they have each other and that no one can every break that bond.

And that they’ll always know they’re better together.

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