Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pure Magic

There is no other way to explain it.

Successful bloggers must practice magic. Not in a hobbit, wizard-y, fantasy-kind of way but in a pure, simple, "how-do-they-do-that?" kind of way.

But not me. Just everyone else.

There is no other explanation for it.

And by IT I mean how do find the time to read, comment and keep in touch with *all* the other bloggers?

It's magic, I tell you.

While S & J are careening around the house I barely have enough time to run a brush over my teeth (and occasionally my hair), feed myself something other than barely-warm pasta and wilty salad and keep the house standing (sort of). And forget about actually bathing. At least with any regularity. (That's what the pool is for, right?)

In the spare moments (usually while kiddos are asleep) that I get to sit down, by myself and surf the blogsphere so I can read and get to know the other fantabulous blogger gals out there I'm AMAZED how they 1) all seem to know one another 2) comment on each other's blogs and 3) HOW THEY WRITE POSTS SO REGULARLY.

I can't keep up.

Must. Learn. To. Practice. Magic.

(Please note that it took nearly a week to post this...)


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

It isn't magic. Some of us do this instead of housework.

Mayberry said...

I just never read books, magazines, or newspapers; or watch TV, or listen to the radio ...