Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Purge Urge

Having twins changed me in more ways than I imagined. I’ve learned to go with the flow, look at the big picture and live minute-by-minute. Things, my good friends will tell you, I didn’t generally do before I had S & J nearly 2.5 years ago.

I’ve also always had lots of STUFF. I've always needed lots of stuff around me.

If anyone needed decorations for anything, I was the first phone call. How about costumes? Got those too. Plus nearly every cooking gadget known to man, acres and acres of wrapping paper and at least 3 sets of really great dishes.

But now I have twins and everything must go.


About 2 months ago I made a pledge to Danger Dad: I would reduce our stuff by HALF. I've been Freecycling the heck out of our belongings and Craig List-ing the rest. (I recently found a nearly full box of raffia. Please people, why have I been lugging this crap around?!?) That Total Gym we almost never used? Gone. Shoes I haven't worn in over two years? Gone. Plastic chairs that were collecting dust? Gone. Ice climbing gear? Mostly gone.

And it feels good.

All I can think about these days is getting rid of everything we own, buying a motor home and hitting the road. Not in a "Paskowitz" kind of way (Get Surfwise from Netflix. Oh. My God.) but in a very simple “we-don’t-need-all-this-crud” kind of way. These days’ heading out for the great beyond seems not only doable but necessary.

Any takers for a box of American flags?!?

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